Vladimir Valjarević, Adrienne Kim and David Oei.

Taken from the lounge area of Mezzrow.

Kinga Augustyn, violin David Oei, piano

From left to right: Elizabeth Lim-Dutton and Lawrence Dutton

From left to right: Eriko Sato, Helene Jeanney, and L. William Kuyper.

Left to right: Mayuki Fukuhara, David Oei, Eriko Sato, Laila Salins, Lutz Rath

Awarded at the June concert during 2016-2017 season by the New York Classical Music Society.

Accompanying the star, this medal from the Vienna Philharmonic was also a part of the Citation of Honor Award.

From left to right: Eriko Sato, Youngmi Hwang, Irene Ten Cate, Sue Rangeley, David Oei, Lyra Harada, Tzu-En Lee and Heather Faust

Cellist Daire Fitzgerald talking about the first piece on the program.

Peter Press, guitar YuJung Bae, soprano

Pianist Jesse Elder (also violinist Blanca Gonzalez's husband) with his daughter, Vivi.